Editing Blog

     Today my group and I starting editing our commercial. I started off by connecting my computer to the school wifi, it took a minute because I had to figure out the login information. Once I connected I began to look on google to find a good editing app for our group to use. After looking my connection dropped so it stopped me in the process of finding an app. The same thing happened with my teammate while she was looking. Afterward, my teammates and I began to brainstorm on how we were going to set up our clips. We wanted it to run smoothly and not look choppy. We continued talking for a few minutes about how we were going to set up the shots. (8)After discussion one of my teammates sent all 87 shots to the group chat we have. The videos took quite a while to load in so I waited. After about 5 minutes only a few videos loaded and I was able to watch them with my group and discuss which ones we were keeping. We continued to look at each of the 87 videos off of one phone and go through them. The process took about ten minutes and it felt long. We talked about how each one will work and not work. We slimmed down our choices from 87 takes to 14 good takes. (15) Then we began to map out and place all the takes we had and decided what takes needed to be cut down to make our 30 second commercial on ink joy pens. After we finished we went on youtube and started looking up how to edit a video so it could run smoothly. I found some really good tips and apps to use when editing that would be most effective for our group. My group and I shared what we found out and I told them that I wasn't going to be there for the next day of editing. So I told them my opinions and how I thought we should do it and everyone gave their opinions. 


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