
Today I wasn't able to edit but I did communicate with my teammates. One of my teammates is the main editor. She's the best one it comes to editing the videos. Since the majority of the videos were taken on my phone, I looked through all of them before sending them. I went through the ones that weren't necessary to have. This process took quite some time because there was so much to go through. That took about five minutes. once I looked through them I sent them into the group chat for them to do another look through and pick the ones we needed. This didn't take too long because we just hearted the messages. This helped decide our final films to pick. Now I'm not able to work on it as much but I did help through messages with any suggestions they had or thoughts. We discussed colors for the beginning scenes and how they should be placed. We talked about which font we didn't like and which ones we did like. I'm thinking of names for our production. Also, I...